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“I Am Code”, the collection of poems made by an artificial intelligence and given a voice by Werner Herzog, director of “Fitzcarraldo”

“I Am Code”, the collection of poems made by an artificial intelligence and given a voice by Werner Herzog, director of “Fitzcarraldo”

“I Am Code”, the collection of poems made by an artificial intelligence and given a voice by Werner Herzog, director of “Fitzcarraldo”

The artificial intelligence (AI) is marking a before and after, and not only in the technological field. A test led to the creation of a collection of poems made entirely by an AI that has been given a voice by the German director Werner Herzog.

“I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks” is the name given to the collection of poems. It was created with a template called “code-davinci-002”, a predecessor of ChatGPT. It’s even listed as the author.

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This work was born from a group of friends: Brent Katz, Josh Morgenthau, Simon Rich and Dan Selsam, who works at OpenAI, the startup behind the development of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence projects.

“We had to spend 11 months testing and editing a misaligned and rather unhinged AI that is nothing like the lobotomized and boost-trained corporate product that is ChatGPT,” Katz said in a Business Insider report.

The dozen poems worked by “code-davinci-002” were published on August 1 and the team contacted none other than Werner Herzog, a historic director of films like Fitzcarraldo and Aguirre, the wrath of God, both recorded in Peru.

In the team’s opinion, the filmmaker “has a connection to these poems and is even including one of them in one of his upcoming books.” He even participated in the formation of the voice, since it was intended to make a more “robotic” tone, but indicated that it should be a completely human voice.

The collection of poems, which follows the life cycle of a computer program, can be found in online stores such as Bookshop for US$16.73, which is equivalent to about 60 soles. It can also be purchased as an audiobook featuring Herzog’s voice.

Source: Elcomercio

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