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Sam Altman was fired from OpenAI, the firm that revolutionized artificial intelligence with ChatGPT

OpenAI, the technology firm that developed the artificial intelligence (AI) system ChatGPT, announced this Friday the dismissal of Sam Altmanits executive director.

In a statement, the California-based company reported that, after a review by its board of directors, they determined that Altman “was not consistently truthful in his communications” with managers, “which hindered their ability to exercise their responsibilities.”

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“The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI”he added.

Mira Murati, the company’s chief technology officer, will take the position effective immediately, the firm announced, as they conduct a process to elect a new CEO.

Altman’s departure comes nearly a decade after he was involved in founding OpenAI.

“I loved my time at OpenAI. It was transformative for me personally and, hopefully, a little bit for the world. Most of all, I loved working with such talented people. I will have more to say about what comes next,” Altman wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Under his leadership, OpenAI launched the chatbot ChatGPT and its various updates and signed contracts with companies such as Microsoftwhich has used this AI technology in its Bing search engine and other applications.

On social networks, the former director of Google, Eric Schmidtsaid that Altman was “a hero” to him, someone who had “changed our collective world forever.”

“I can’t wait to see what he does next. I and billions of people will benefit from his future work,” he wrote on X.

Samuel H. Altman learned to program and take apart one of Apple’s first computers, the Macintosh, when he was 8 years old, according to what he said in an interview with The New Yorker.

He entered the Stanford University (in California, USA) to study computingbut He didn’t finish the race.

Together with some friends they decided to dedicate themselves completely to developing their first idea, Loopt, an application to share location with other people. It was 2005, long before WhatsApp existed and when Facebook was born.

Altman helped found OpenAI in 2015. (Photo: Getty Images)

Loopt did not have major significance, but it did serve as a springboard for launch Altman’s career as a businessman and opened the doors to the world of large technological investments.

One of the companies that supported Loopt in its beginnings was Y Combinator (YC)one of the most prestigious and successful startup accelerators that invested in innovations such as Airbnb and DropBox.

Altman sold his first project for more than US$40 millionwhich allowed him to expand his areas of interest and invest in various ideas under the umbrella of YC, which he chaired between 2014 and 2019.

Altman was questioned in the US Congress about OpenAI's approach to AI.  (Photo: Getty Images)

Altman was questioned in the US Congress about OpenAI’s approach to AI. (Photo: Getty Images)

It was in that period when together with Elon Musk created OpenAIa company that allowed him to immerse himself in a world that generated equal fascination and fear: that of artificial intelligence.

Although Elon Musk separated from the company, he continues to invest in artificial intelligence initiatives.

Altman himself has publicly expressed his fears about the consequences that AI can have on humans.

This issue was addressed in the US Congress, where Altman offered his testimony in May of this year.

He testified before a Senate privacy and technology committee that questioned him about how it works. ChatGPT and what advantages and risks AI poses.

Source: Elcomercio

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