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New Year 2024: Google tips to set our reading goals

New Year 2024: Google tips to set our reading goals

New Year 2024: Google tips to set our reading goals

In recent years, “How to read more books” is a very common internet search term that usually stands out at the beginning and end of the year. Establishing a reading habit is very beneficial for people, since it develops creativity, improves memory, increases concentration, among other factors, when using physical or digital books. To help with this, Google has made available to users some resources that will guide them to establish a correct reading routine which can be maintained throughout the year.

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Google Books has more than 10 million free books and paid versions. This resource will even provide suggestions according to each person’s tastes or preferences.

Additionally, with Google Books it is possible to view the page of a selected book and use the “Similar Books” or “Books for you” tab, making it easy to choose a version similar to the recent book. In this way, the tool can suggest indications according to each person’s interests.

And if what you want to implement is a reading routine, Google Calendar can be of great help. This tool allows you to incorporate general activities, pastimes, hobbies and more, helping to organize schedules, set reminders, and thus, meet the desired reading hours. It depends on each one. It is possible to start with 30 minutes a day and then set a goal to dedicate more time to it.

Audiobooks are ideal for people who have little time and find reading difficult. On Google Play a variety of audiobooks are possible for free, short versions, classics and more. Becoming a more dynamic way to get started in the world of reading and do other activities at the same time.

Source: Elcomercio

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