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Venezuela and Guyana will maintain “open” communication channels in the face of the territorial dispute

Venezuela and Guyana will maintain “open” communication channels in the face of the territorial dispute

Venezuela and Guyana will maintain “open” communication channels in the face of the territorial dispute

Venezuela It is Guyana agreed this Wednesday to keep communication channels “open” in the face of their dispute over the Essequiboa territory of almost 160 thousand square kilometers, after the respective foreign ministers spoke by telephone today, amid growing tensions between the two countries.

In a statement, the Government of Nicolás Maduro reported the telephone contact between the chancellor Yvan Gil and his Guyanese counterpart, Hugh Todd, in which “They agreed to keep communication channels open.”

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According to the Venezuelan executive, Gil “I took the opportunity to update” for Guyana about the “overwhelming turnout” in Sunday’s referendum, in which the majority of Venezuelans voted to annex the Essequibo to your national map.

This consultation, he continued, generated a “an unappealable mandate for Venezuelan institutions on the path to follow to resolve this territorial controversy, which is the Geneva Agreement signed between the parties in 1966″.

“The part Venezuelan expressed the need to interrupt actions to worsen the controversy in the territory of Guyana Essequiba“Added Caracas.

This contact occurs one day after the president Nicolás Maduro will launch an action plan for the area, which includes granting licenses for oil exploration and military deployments in cities close to the disputed area, without announcing, for now, an incursion into the disputed area.

Venezuela insists that this plan is designed based on the result of the referendum, in which, according to electoral authorities, more than 10 million people participated, a number that contrasts with the low flow which was observed, throughout the day, in voting centers in Caracas and several of the 23 regions.

The President of Guyana, Irfaan Alisaid today that the plan Venezuela Represents “an imminent threat” for the territorial integrity of his country and for world peace, for which he announced “precautionary measures”To protect the nation.

The first step will be to take the matter to the United Nations Security Council for this body to adopt “appropriate measures”.

Source: Elcomercio

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