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Safer Internet Day: Google launches new free parental control tools

Within the framework of Safer Internet Day, Google presented new features in the Search Engine, Chrome and YouTube to guarantee families greater control and accessibility over minors’ accounts. In addition, it has developed digital resources to learn to be safe online from an early age.

According to the company, parents in Latin America had the following frequently asked questions in the last year: “how to control children’s screen time”, “how to avoid children’s screen time” and “what effects does technology have on children”.

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Faced with this situation, Google has presented new tools to protect the privacy and security of minors and families.

First, the company launched a new way to monitor minors’ accounts from OneBox.

When a parent or guardian enters “parental control,” “Family Link” or terms related to controls of children’s accounts in the Seekerin the first section of results you can view the configuration of the minors’ accounts and access them quickly.

In turn, an update was incorporated into SafeSearch to further protect minors. Without leaving the Search Engine, families will now be able to create changes in the results of the searches carried out by children, so that they can restrict explicit, violent and/or inappropriate content.

Finally, with the aim of continuing to promote digital well-being in adolescents, Youtube unveiled new features that allow families to customize settings such as “take a break” and “bedtime” notifications so they are more visible and appear more frequently.

On the other hand, Google has developed Be Great on the Interneta program to learn how to take care of personal data and be kind digital citizens. He also created the game interland which has challenges and levels that cover basic concepts to be safe in the digital world.

Source: Elcomercio

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