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The Switch could be the victim of a shortage in 2022

The Switch could be the victim of a shortage in 2022

The Switch could be the victim of a shortage in 2022

As 2022 looms, the issue of the semiconductor shortage is still in the foreground. Nintendo has just warned: it will be complicated to get a Switch in 2022, reports Phonandroid. The out of stock will therefore also affect the flagship console of the Japanese manufacturer.

Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa took the lead. He broke the bad news in a Japanese newspaper. With the release of the OLED Switch and the good sales recorded in the second half of 2021, stocks have melted and production is not keeping up. “It will depend on the demand, but I fear that we will not be able to manufacture as many consoles as we would like it”, affirmed the person in charge of the company of Kyoto.

1 million units less

Finding an OLED Switch has been tricky since its release. But the classic Switch, it has not known out of stock since its launch considered “complicated”, specify our colleagues. But the two consoles which embed the same components will be penalized. Nintendo planned to sell 25 million consoles by next March, but the company now expects 24 million machines.

Nintendo is not the only console maker to be affected by this shortage. The Xbox Series X and the PS5 are trickling out of the factories and are only available for sale on Internet platforms for a few moments.


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