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Sony files an intriguing patent related to its virtual reality technology

Sony has updated a patent for a new technology. Playstation makers would like to allow gamers to embed real physical objects into video games using a 3D scanner.

The company filed the legal document in question on June 23, 2021. After reading it, the USPTO, the American body in charge of validating patents and trademarks, had asked the Japanese technology and entertainment giant to review certain details. The body had raised questions regarding some of its technological claims. The final version has been available since last week.

Real objects in a virtual world

The GameRant site which discovered the information at the end of last week. The new technology described by Sony in its document could allow users to generate virtual objects from real-world objects.

The basic principles of the technology seem to be structured from motion photogrammetry. Using a device, the user scans an object to generate its virtual clone. The system then determines its attributes and functionalities, before inserting it into a simulation or video game. The first game for this system would be Horizon Call of the Mountain of Guerrilla and Firesprite Games.

Small detail, a 360 degree view of the object will be necessary to be able to scan it and bring it correctly into virtual reality.

Technology for Sony’s next VR headset

This new technology could be integrated into PSVR 2, the future virtual reality system from Sony and PlayStation. Indeed, during CES 2022, the company shared the official technical specifications of the PlayStation 5 VR headset and also confirmed the name of its VR controller, namely the PlayStation VR2 Sense controller.

The OLED display on this new controller will feature 2000×2040 resolution and 90/120hz frame rates. The 4K HDR visuals will enable a 110 degree field of view and a foveal rendering. The refresh rate of the screen will be between 90 and 120 Hz. Namely, the refresh rate indicates the number of images that a screen displays per second.

This technology could also join the metaverse club. Thus, the user would transfer everyday objects to a new environment generated by virtual reality.

Moreover, not all the patents filed materialize in product marketing. It is therefore impossible to ensure the next marketing of Sony’s technology. In addition, the patent is still being processed.


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