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Europe is experiencing “the most dangerous moment” since the Cold War, says the EU

Europe is experiencing “the most dangerous moment” since the Cold War, says the EU

Europe is experiencing “the most dangerous moment” since the Cold War, says the EU

Europe It is going through the “most dangerous moment” for its security since the end of the Cold War, although a “diplomatic solution” with Russia about Ukrainedeclared this Monday in Washington the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

When asked about US warnings about a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, Borrell he said he “shared great concern” about this threat.

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“Without a doubt we are living, in my opinion, the most dangerous moment for security in Europe after the end of the Cold War”he claimed.

“No one concentrates 140,000 heavily armed soldiers on the border of a country” without this “representing a strong threat”he noted, calculating that there are more Russian troops at Ukraine’s gates than the 110,000 mentioned in recent days by US officials.

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“140,000 soldiers stationed on the border, they are not here for tea!” he exclaimed. Borrell.

Along with him, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, denied that there is “alarmism” in Washington’s warnings.

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“It’s not alarmism, it’s just the facts,” he said at a joint press conference.

The United States and European powers accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of plotting a possible invasion of Ukraine and threaten massive economic sanctions if he does.

“We do not believe that Putin has made a decision, but he has put the means, in case he decides to do so, to act very quickly against Ukraine in a way that would have terrible consequences for Ukraine, Russia and all of us,” insisted the head of diplomacy. American.

Both assured, however, that the diplomatic route has not yet been exhausted.

“We believe that a diplomatic solution to this crisis is still possible,” he summarized Borrell. “We hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”


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Source: Elcomercio

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