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Brazil reaffirms ties with Ukraine while Bolsonaro travels to Russia

The Brazilian Foreign Ministry publicly reaffirmed its diplomatic ties with Kiev on Monday, while far-right President Jair Bolsonaro embarked for an official visit to Russia amid the crisis between Moscow and Western countries over the Ukraine conflict.

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos França, spoke by phone today with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba”, The Brazilian Foreign Ministry reported on its Twitter account, shortly before Bolsonaro took off on an official plane bound for Russia.

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França “listened to his counterpart’s assessment of the current situation on the border between Ukraine and Russia” and “reiterated the Brazilian position in favor of a peaceful resolution”, added the Itamaraty Palace, which recalled that Brazil and Ukraine recently celebrated 30 years diplomatic relationship.

Despite the escalation of tensions and the displeasure of the United States, Bolsonaro decided to keep his visit to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, focused on issues of bilateral interest such as agriculture, energy and defense.

Brazil, a large world agricultural producer and exporter, “depends largely on fertilizers from Russia,” Bolsonaro justified.

For analysts, the trip by the Brazilian president – who will also visit Hungary on Thursday, led by his ally, the far-right prime minister Viktor Orban – came at the worst time.

In a crisis without precedent since the Cold War, Western countries fear that Russia will invade Ukraine after concentrating more than 100,000 military personnel and large amounts of equipment on the borders of the former Soviet republic.

Russia estimated on Monday that there is a “possibility” of resolving the Ukrainian crisis through diplomatic negotiation with Western countries and announced the end of some military maneuvers.

But the United States continues to insist that Russia could launch a military invasion “at any moment” and has called on its citizens to leave Ukraine, a gesture echoed by other countries. In addition, he moved his embassy in Kiev to the west of the country.


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Source: Elcomercio

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