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Are Canadian protesters at risk of having their bank accounts frozen? Yes !

For the past two weeks, Canada has experienced numerous mobilizations, in particular from truckers firmly opposed to the vaccination obligation. Faced with the blockage considered “illegal”, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday the use of the Emergency Measures Act. Very little used in the history of the country, this text allows the federal government to benefit “temporarily from extraordinary measures”.

The use of the state of emergency did not fail to react in France. “This is the exact implementation of social credit”, denounced Florian Philippot, presidential candidate under the label of his party Les Patriotes, who shows his support for the demonstrators. According to him, this measure offers the Canadian government the “opportunity to imprison them and freeze their bank accounts. »

What does the state of emergency law actually say? 20 Minutes make the point.


Since Monday, the state of emergency has come into effect across Canada. According to the Department of Justice, the Emergency Measures Act of 1988 “may be used by the federal government in the event of a national emergency”. And adds: “A national crisis is an urgent, temporary and critical situation that seriously endangers the health and safety of Canadians. The use of emergency measures has notably enabled the entry into force of financial measures against the “illegal” blocking of the country.

An immediate suspension

Via an executive order published with immediate effect, the government authorized Canadian financial institutions to “immediately freeze or suspend the account of an individual or a company affiliated with these illegal blocks without a court order”, explained the minister. of Finance, Chrystia Freeland. “Be warned: if your truck is used in these blockades, your business accounts will be frozen. Your vehicle insurance will be suspended. Send your semi-trailers home! The Minister also announced measures to regulate crowdfunding platforms.

Does Florian Philippot also say just about the prison sentence? According to the text of the law, those who violate the law on emergency measures risk, in the context of a procedure “on conviction”, a fine of 500 to 5,000 Canadian dollars and “imprisonment for a maximum of five year “.

In Ontario, the epicenter of the disputes in the country since it hosts the federal capital Ottawa, the state of emergency was put in place on Friday February 12. In this state, the demonstrators risk a fine of 100,000 Canadian dollars and one year of imprisonment, report our colleagues from The Press.

Source: 20minutes

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