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Borrell highlights Latin America’s strong support for Ukraine’s sovereignty

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European UnionJosep Borrell, urged this Saturday to “join forces” in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for a resolution against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and welcomed the “strong” support from Latin America and the Caribbean.

“I am glad to see the strong support of Latin America and the Caribbean for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. We stand together on the right side of history in the face of Russia’s horrific attack on a sovereign country.”said Borrell on his official account on the social network Twitter.

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Borrell was thus referring to the vote in the UN of a resolution against the invasion of Ukraine by Russiawhich was vetoed by Moscow in the Security Council.

“Let us join forces for a strong resolution” of the General Assembly of the United Nations, urged the head of European diplomacy.

This morning, in another tweet, Borrell had highlighted that “the vote in the Security Council with a significant abstention from China, India and the United Arab Emirates and only the veto of Russia demonstrates the rejection of the international community” to Moscow’s aggression.

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Russia used his veto power this Friday to stop the UN a resolution against their invasion of Ukrainea text that had the support of a clear majority of the Security Council but three countries abstained: ChinaIndia and the United Arab Emirates.

The document, which from the outset was doomed to failure given that Moscow could block it, had been prompted by the United States to condemn the Russian military intervention and demand the withdrawal of its troops from Ukraine.

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Source: Elcomercio

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