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Spain does not contemplate sending weapons to Ukraine, according to Pedro Sánchez

Spain does not contemplate sending weapons to Ukraine, according to Pedro Sánchez

Spain does not contemplate sending weapons to Ukraine, according to Pedro Sánchez

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezdoes not contemplate the shipment of weapons to Ukraine by Spain and defends that this shipment be made through the European Union, as has already been agreed in Brussels.

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Sánchez, in an interview on Spanish Television, explained that Spain is acting with Ukraine in the field of humanitarian aid and with the provision of defensive material such as helmets and vests.

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Regarding the shipment of weapons, he recalled that the European Union has taken a decision that it has considered very important and that is to activate for the first time the fund of the mechanism for peace endowed with 800 million euros and of which 450 are going to allocate to supply offensive material to Ukraine and another 50 for humanitarian aid.

For Sánchez, given the fact that there is a threat to European security and values, the response must also be European.

“We are going to channel the offensive material through this European fund”, insisted the Chief Executive before recalling that Spain is the fourth country that contributes the most to it.

When asked if the decision not to send weapons has to do with the existence of different sensitivities within the Government due to the position of United We Can, Sánchez has not answered directly and has stressed that we must be very aware of the origin of the conflict.

An origin that he has said is that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, considers Europe a threat because it supposes a consolidation of democracy and, therefore, has tried to divide the EU.

But in the face of this, he explained that a Europe has been found that is “emphasis, blunt, forceful in its response”.

Sánchez has defended continuing to give that unitary response, at which time he thanked the support of the PP and the rest of the parties, as well as the advice of the former presidents of the Government.

At the request of the president of this country, Volodymyr Zelensky, to join the EU, he recalled that there is a long process for this that requires reforms and that the EU already has a strategic association with Ukraine in addition to the so-called eastern partnership with other countries of the area and therefore, there is already a collaboration.

“The debate on Ukraine’s membership in the EU is going to take place, where there are countries with a clear position, others who consider that this is not the time, but what is being shown is that Ukraine has a clear European vocation,” he added. .

After insisting that the sanctions against Russia will persist until it withdraws from all of Ukraine and predicting that there will be even more soon, he referred to the economic repercussions that they will also have in Europe and in Spain.

Given this, he said that the Government is already talking to the European Commission to articulate economic compensation measures for the affected sectors and has defended his proposal to reform the energy market.

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Source: Elcomercio

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