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US says Russian hypersonic missiles won’t change course of war in Ukraine

US says Russian hypersonic missiles won’t change course of war in Ukraine

US says Russian hypersonic missiles won’t change course of war in Ukraine

The hypersonic missiles that Russia claims to have used to destroy military targets in Ukraine “They do not change much” in the course of the war in the face of the resistance of the forces of the neighboring country, affirmed on Sunday the Secretary of Defense of United StatesLloydAustin.

“I don’t see them as revolutionary (weapons)”declared Austin to the American television channel CBS, while refusing to “confirm or deny” that Moscow has used this type of missile.

Russia claimed on Sunday, for the second day in a row, to have used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine. It would be the first known use in real combat conditions of this system first tested in 2018.

By using such weapons, Russia is “trying to regain momentum” in the conflict in which its military has become bogged down, Austin opined.

“We have seen (the Russians) deliberately attack towns and civilians in recent weeks (…) that is because the offensive is blocked,” he claimed.

Russian troops “are not being effective in their movements on the ground, they are being blocked” by Ukrainian fighters “who fight bravely and who remain determined to defend their country,” he added.

the russian president Vladimir Putin “sent his troops to the crusher”, the Pentagon chief argued. The Ukrainians are “very effective with the weaponry we gave them” such as anti-tank and anti-tank defense systems.

Austin warned Russia against using chemical or biological weapons in the conflict. If they were used, she remarked, there would be “a significant reaction not only from United States but also from the international community.

Moscow, which accuses Washington and kyiv of operating laboratories designed to produce internationally banned biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, intends to “fabricate a pretext so that if they (the Russians) do something on the battlefield they can blame others, the Ukrainians, to us, to NATO”, he assured.

The hierarch also refused to confirm the presence of mercenaries with the Russian troops. “We have not seen any mercenaries on the battlefield,” said the retired general.

According to a Syrian NGO, more than 40,000 fighters from the Syrian Army and allied militias have enlisted to fight alongside Russia in Ukraine.


Source: Elcomercio

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