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Europol warns of risk for refugees to be victims of human trafficking

Europol is sounding the alarm on the humanitarian consequences of the war in Ukraine. The agency recalled on Monday the risks for Ukrainian refugees fleeing the invasion of their country of falling into human trafficking networks when arriving in the EU. It therefore urges the host countries to remain attentive.

“The number of potential victims arriving from Ukraine is likely to attract both individual and opportunistic attackers posing as volunteers as well as criminal networks specializing in human trafficking,” warned the European agency. from police. The areas of greatest concern are border areas, reception and accommodation centers as well as transport hubs such as train and bus stations.

Eastern Europe has been a key source region for victims of human trafficking exploited across the EU. It is also a region of origin of members of many criminal networks, recalled Europol.

The risk of targeting on social networks

“In the short term, the highest risks relate to the potential targeting of victims by criminals under the guise of promising transportation, free housing, employment or other forms of immediate support.” The use of social media groups​ (created by volunteers) where individual requests and offers of support are posted are also ideal sources of information for criminal groups, who can use these platforms to identify and contact potential victims, according to Europol.

Nearly 3.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion, according to the UN tally released on Monday. Most are women, children and vulnerable people at risk of sexual and labor exploitation as well as forced crime and begging, or other criminal activities.

Source: 20minutes

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