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Biden says Putin is weighing use of chemical weapons in Ukraine

False accusations by Russia that kyiv has biological and chemical weapons suggest that Russian President Vladimir Putin is considering using them in his war against Russia. Ukrainethe president of the United States said on Monday, Joe Bidenwithout citing evidence.

Putin he’s up against the wall and now he’s addressing other issues, like the claim that we in the United States have biological and chemical weapons in Europe, which is simply not true.” said Biden at a public event.

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”(Russia) also suggests that Ukraine It has biological and chemical weapons. That is a clear sign that (Moscow) is considering using them.

The Russian embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The remarks echoed earlier comments by officials in Washington and allied countries, who accused Russia of spreading an unsubstantiated claim that Ukraine had a biological weapons program, as a possible prelude to launching its own chemical attacks.

The Russian Defense Ministry has accused kyiv, without providing evidence, of planning a chemical attack on its own people to accuse Moscow of using biological weapons and defending itself from the invasion that began on February 24.

Earlier this month, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke to Nikolay Patrushev, Russia’s Security Council Secretary, warning him of the consequences of “any possible Russian decision to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine”.

The White House did not specify what those consequences would be.

Biden also said that Russia used a hypersonic missile to destroy a weapons depot on Saturday “because that’s the only thing they can use with absolute certainty.”

An administration official clarified late Monday that Biden confirmed Russia’s use of an advanced missile, but noted the impact of the attack was unknown.

Russia’s invasion, which it calls a “special military operation” to disarm Ukraine, has largely stalled, failing to capture any major cities but causing significant destruction to residential areas.

Ukraine said on Monday it would not obey Russia’s ultimatums after Moscow demanded it stop defending besieged Mariupol, where hundreds of thousands of civilians are under Russian bombardment.

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Source: Elcomercio

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