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An embargo on Russian gas and oil “is not possible” according to Ferrand

The President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand estimated on Wednesday that an embargo on Russian gas and oil “is not possible”, a few hours before the video intervention before the Parliament of the Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelensky .

“We are not ready because it is not possible”, answered the antenna of France Inter the president of the campaign committee of Emmanuel Macron, adding that “the sanctions serve to influence Russian political power, they are not used to punish the French or the French or the other Europeans”. “Each time we can toughen up our position to influence Russian power, we have to do it, but it’s not a question of suddenly drying up Europe, France, industry, everything that makes us let’s live”, argued Richard Ferrand. “There is no substitute answer if we decide that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. That we go gradually towards a reduction in our supplies to the point that it weakens Russia, yes, but it would not be honest to say ‘tomorrow morning we decide that’”, he concluded.

Washington has decided to ban imports of Russian hydrocarbons

“We obviously have to get out, and as soon as possible, of the import of Russian gas and oil”, judged for her part on Franceinfo the delegate president of the LREM deputies Aurore Bergé, adding however that “it is a matter of time, because tomorrow we cannot condemn our neighbors who are in an energy situation of extraordinarily powerful dependence”. “It is an issue of strengthening sanctions in the medium to long term, the war is likely to last and therefore the sanctions must also be able to advance gradually,” she said.

Washington has decided to ban imports of Russian hydrocarbons and the United Kingdom has announced that it will stop importing Russian energy by the end of 2022. Europe has so far refused to decree an embargo on Russian imports, which provide 40% of its natural gas needs and 30% for oil. But on March 11, in Versailles, after two days of meeting with European leaders, Emmanuel Macron had not ruled out that the European Union could later attack imports of gas or oil. “Nothing is forbidden, nothing is taboo,” he said.

Source: 20minutes

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