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The European Union imposes an embargo on Russian coal

The European Union imposes an embargo on Russian coal

The European Union imposes an embargo on Russian coal

The countries of the European Union (EU) approved on Thursday an embargo on Russian coal and the closure of European ports to ships from that country, within the framework of the fifth wave of sanctions against Moscow for the invasion of Ukraine.

The package of sanctions, which an official of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union qualified as “very substantial”comes after the discovery last week of dozens of civilian bodies in the town of Bucha, northwest of Kyiv.

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It also includes measures that restrict exports of high-tech goods to Russia worth 10,000 million euros (almost 11,000 million dollars) and the freezing of activities of several Russian banks.

This is the first time that members of the Union approve measures against the energy sector Russianon which many European countries depend.

The EU imports 45% of your Coal from Russiafor a value of 4,000 million euros per year (4,350 million dollars).

The embargo It will go into effect in early August.

In turn, the list of Russian products that are prohibited to import into the EUto include some “critical raw materials and materials,” worth an estimated €5.5 billion a year (nearly $6 billion), in an attempt to hamper the war effort Russian.

In a series of Twitter messages, the French presidency of the Union It also indicated that it prohibits Russian and Belarusian carriers from operating on its territory.

The black list of people sanctioned by the European Union it was expanded to 200 people with the inclusion of Russian oligarchs and the two daughters of Vladimir Putin, according to documentation that AFP was able to consult.

Russia “suffer a long descent into economic, financial, and technological isolation”explained on Twitter the president of the Commission EuropeanUrsula von der Leyen.

Source: Elcomercio

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