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Israel attacks Gaza Strip after rocket fire into its territory

Israeli forces attacked Tuesday morning the Gaza Strip after the firing of a rocket from the Palestinian enclave towards Israelreported witnesses and the Islamist movement Hamas.

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Israeli aircraft launched the strikes south of the Gaza Strip, witnesses said, while Hamas’s armed wing said it opened fire on Israeli planes.

“Congratulations to the resistance men who met the warplanes with our air defense,” Hazem Qassem, a Hamas spokesman, said in a statement.

He assured that the Israeli forces attacked “empty sites”.

Witnesses and security sources in the Gaza Strip reported no injuries in the attacks, carried out after the firing of a rocket from that Palestinian territory towards Israel and which was intercepted by the “Iron Dome” anti-missile system.

“In retaliation for that attack, Israeli army warplanes attacked weapons factories of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip,” the Israeli military said.

The events occurred after the weekend violence in and around the Esplanade of the Mosques, the third holy site in Islam and the first holy site in Judaism, where more than 170 people were injured, mostly Palestinians.

Source: Elcomercio

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