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A mother said that her three-year-old son was hospitalized after eating a Kinder Surprise egg: “It seemed that he was dying”

A mother said that her three-year-old son was hospitalized after eating a Kinder Surprise egg: “It seemed that he was dying”

A mother said that her three-year-old son was hospitalized after eating a Kinder Surprise egg: “It seemed that he was dying”

The Belgian Food Safety Agency (AFSCA) announced on Friday, April 8, that it has withdrawn a Kinder chocolate factory in Arlon from production, Belgium, due to an outbreak of salmonella that spread through France and the United Kingdom. According to a statement from the manufacturer, this plant represents 7% of the total volume of Kinder products throughout the world during a year, so the number of cases of this disease may be more compared to those known so far. . Although several batches were preventively withdrawn, some people came to consume infected chocolates and stories of their experiences travel the world.

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what happened to Billy Waya three-year-old boy from Barry, Welshis one of the many and complicated examples of what the salmonella produces in people. According to what her mother told, Kasey Cookeand consigned the portal Mirror, the youngest of his two children became seriously ill after eating a Kinder Surprise chocolate.

“Billy loves them, he eats one a week. His older brother got a three-pack for his birthday and wanted to give one to Billy. Days after eating it, he began to feel very bad, he could not keep anything down or stand up. I had to put a diaper on him because he couldn’t even get up to go to the bathroom.”, explained Kasey, the 26-year-old mother.

Billy spent a week in the hospital for a suspected case of salmonella. (Mirror).

With such a difficult outlook, Cooke transferred his son to the hospital. “[Los médicos] they were worried that it might have entered a coma because his blood sugar level was very low. They struggled for several days to keep his blood sugar levels up, he was petrified,” he recalled. For four days, little Billy was hospitalized and under observation at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital in Cardiff, Wales.

The Kinder Surprise egg.  (Archive).

The Kinder Surprise egg. (Archive).

He looked like he was dying, his mouth was dry, his face pale and his eyes black.”, recounted his mother. Finally, the studies carried out on her feces determined the presence bacteria compatible with salmonella. However, the family did not suspect the Kinder chocolate until the news came from Belgium.

“I feel that my son should be compensated. He spent almost a week in the hospital and lost weight because he didn’t eat anything for seven days. When he asks for chocolate, now he asks if it’s going to hurt his belly”, Cooke explained before clarifying that he contacted the company after the little boy returned home.

In that sense, a spokesman for Ferrero, the company responsible, told Mirror that “we are very sorry to hear about the son of Kasey Cooke” and that his “sincere thoughts are with his family at this time.” Meanwhile, he assured that “the matter is being investigated together with the food safety authorities” and that it was possible to identify that “the point of origin was a filter at the outlet of two tanks of raw material.” As for a possible compensation to the victims, it is still unknown what actions the company will take.

Source: Elcomercio

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