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Russia bombs bridges and railways to stop Western arms deliveries to Ukraine

Russian armed forces bomb bridges and railways in Ukraine to slow the supply of Western weapons, said an adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday, after the destruction of a road and railway bridge.

That bridge, part of a cross-border route with Romania, over the Dniester River estuary, was hit by Russian missiles on Tuesday.according to the director of the Ukrainian railway company, Oleksandre Kamychin.

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“The enemy caused significant damage to the bridge infrastructure and the restoration will require considerable time,” said the Ministry of Transport in Telegram.

The bombardment, on a route that starts on the Ukrainian side in the port city of Odessadid not cause victims, according to the authorities.

Russia destroys Ukrainian transport infrastructure, such as bridges and railways, to slow down the supply of weapons by our allies”, Anton Gerashchenko, a counselor at the Interior Ministry, tweeted.

At least five people were killed on Monday in Russian shelling of railway facilities in the Vinnytsia region of west-central Ukraine, an important railway hub for both internal lines and international connections.

Several train stations were attacked since the beginning of the Russian invasion, on February 24, such as Kramatorsk (east), at the beginning of April, with a balance of more than 50 dead.

Source: Elcomercio

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