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Vice President Kamala Harris positive for Covid-19

Like nearly 60% of Americans before her, Vice President Kamala Harris tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday. The White House has clarified that it is not considered a “close” contact case with President Joe Biden. Kamala Harris “has no symptoms, she will self-isolate and continue to work from her residence,” her spokesperson said in a statement.

“She has not been in close contact with the President or the First Lady due to their recent travel schedules” and she “will return to the White House when she tests negative,” she added.

Several positive administration members

Several members of the Biden administration, such as the Minister of Justice, as well as the President’s spokesperson Jen Psaki or the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi have tested positive in recent weeks.

President Biden, 79, who received his second booster dose of the anti-Covid vaccine at the end of March, has regularly been considered not to be a “contact case” as defined by the American health authorities. Kamala Harris’ husband, “Second Gentleman” Doug Emhoff, fell ill in March.

The United States is now again seeing an increase in the number of daily cases of Covid-19, linked to the BA.2 sub-variant of Omicron.

Source: 20minutes

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