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They rescue 25 people from the ship that ran aground on a Mexican island

They rescue 25 people from the ship that ran aground on a Mexican island

They rescue 25 people from the ship that ran aground on a Mexican island

elements of the Mexican Navy They rescued 25 people – including Americans, British, Belgians, Irish, Italians and Mexicans – near a Pacific island, after running aground the tourist ship in which they were traveling, the Secretary of the Navy reported Monday.

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The incident was recorded in the vicinity of Socorro Island in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, about 800 kilometers west of the Mexican port of Manzanillo, where the ship “SOCORRO VORTEX” ran aground, the Mexican agency said in a statement.

After a call for help from the crew of the vessel, members of the Navy left for the scene of the incident and managed to spot a life raft near the island in which the occupants of the ship were traveling.

On the boat were 14 passengers, of whom seven are American, two British, three Belgians, one Irish and one from New Zealand, and 11 crew members, including eight Mexicans, one English and two Italians, who presented injuries that were not serious. the Navy added.

The passengers and crew were taken to the facilities of the Isla Socorro Naval Sector for medical evaluation and their subsequent transfer to the coastal town of San José del Cabo, in the state of Baja California Sur.

Source: Elcomercio

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