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Bolsonaro questions Brazil’s electoral system again

Bolsonaro questions Brazil’s electoral system again

Bolsonaro questions Brazil’s electoral system again

The president of Brazil, the extreme right Jair Bolsonaroquestioned again this Thursday the electoral system of his country, five months before the elections in which he will seek a second term.

“Whoever votes for the other side, we want him to be respected, as well as whoever votes on our side. we can’t have a system electoral over which hangs the shadow of suspicion”, said Bolsonaro during an event on the global carbon market in Rio de Janeiro.

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Bolsonarosecond in the polls behind leftist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has been discrediting for some time – without evidence – the electronic ballot box, which has been used since 1996 and allows the results to be known the same night of the election, in a country with 213 million population.

“The vote is the soul of democracy and that is why it has to be publicly counted and audited,” reiterated this Thursday the president, who at the beginning of the month said that his party would hire a company to audit the October elections.

The High Court Electoral (TSE) uses various control and security mechanisms to prevent fraud and irregularities that compromise the results have never been verified, contrary to what they allege. Bolsonaro and his supporters.

The head of the Executive maintains a constant confrontation with the TSE on this issue, which has earned him the opening of an investigation in the Federal Supreme Court for spreading false news.

This week he raised the tone again and said that Brazil “You may have a troubled election.”

“Imagine that the elections end and the suspicion that they were not clean looms, to one side or the other… we do not want that,” he claimed Bolsonaro in front of a crowd of businessmen.

Those and other phrases of his, such as that the elections can only end for him in “prison, death or victory” fuel fears that the president will not recognize an eventual defeat and try to emulate former US President Donald Trump, whom many accuse of inciting the protests. that ended in the violent invasion of the Capitol in Washington in 2021.

State Department spokesman Ned Price recently said that Brazil “has a solid record of free and fair elections” and that the United States “trusts” the “democratic institutions” of the Latin American country.

Source: Elcomercio

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