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Sergei Lavrov officially denies that Vladimir Putin is sick

Sergei Lavrov officially denies that Vladimir Putin is sick

Sergei Lavrov officially denies that Vladimir Putin is sick

Everything is officially fine in the Kremlin. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied on Sunday that Vladimir Putin was ill, assuring that he showed no signs of it.

The health of the Russian president like his private life are taboo subjects in Russia, almost never mentioned in public. But in response to a question from TF1, Sergei Lavrov said in a statement: “I do not believe that anyone with a clear head can see in this person (Putin) signs of an illness or ailment. any”.

The minister also pointed out that Vladimir Putin, who turns 70 in October, appears in public “daily”. “You can see him on screen, read or listen to his speeches,” he added. “I leave those who spread such rumors to settle this with their conscience, despite the daily opportunities they have to verify what is going on.”

Source: 20minutes

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