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French mountaineer dies climbing volcano in Ecuador

A French mountaineer died in Ecuador in an accident while climbing a volcano near the capital Quito. The victim was 29 years old.

The young man was killed while climbing the El Corazon volcano alone, according to an emergency services official. Juan Barro. This volcano rises to 4,800 meters above sea level.

The body found at 4,550 meters above sea level

The fiancée of the victim informed, on Monday, the local firefighters of the disappearance of the young man of French nationality and who lived in Ecuador, explained Juan Barro. The body was found Tuesday at an altitude of 4,550 meters. The mountaineer would have descended a vertical slope of nearly 100 meters from an area nicknamed the “pass of death”, according to the emergency services.

At the end of December 2021, in Argentina, two French people found themselves in difficulty in the sector of the Andean volcano Ojos del Salado, considered the highest volcano in the world. After several days of searching, they were found safe and sound.

Source: 20minutes

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