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The young Latino who worked as a day laborer since he was 14 years old and today graduates as a dental surgeon

The young Latino who worked as a day laborer since he was 14 years old and today graduates as a dental surgeon

The young Latino who worked as a day laborer since he was 14 years old and today graduates as a dental surgeon

Millions of Latin Americans move to USA looking for a promising future. That was the case of José Daniel Vargas, a Mexican who from the age of 14 worked as a day laborer in the fields of Georgia in order to pay for his studies and help his parents. Today his sacrifice paid off, because he graduated as a surgeon.

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Vargas arrived in the United States -where his parents were- at the age of 14, and The first job he got was as a day laborer.. The teenager from the Hidalgo region worked in the fields picking tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The conditions were the worst: he was paid less than the minimum wage for working twelve hours a day for six days a week.

I remember not being able to stand up after a full day of harvesting. I remember having to hide under a moving truck just to find shade in 37 degree weather. I remember having my whole face covered in dirt and having to swat flies just so I could eat lunch on my 15-minute break.” recalled through his Facebook account.

José Daniel Vargas’ first job was as a day laborer, at the age of 14. He picked vegetables in fields in Georgia, United States. (Photo: Facebook / Jose Daniel Vargas).

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Despite the long hours of work, The Mexican did not neglect his studies, because it was clear that he wanted to become a dentist. What saddened him the most during that time was not having access to scholarships at his school, due to his immigration status, according to Univisión.

The most difficult thing was not having the same opportunity as the others, due to the fact of not being a resident or citizen. I had a lot of obstacles at school and they did not let me apply, get scholarships, despite my degrees”assured in an interview with the aforementioned media.

Vargas overcame all odds and entered the Midwestern University School of Dental Medicine. And after seven years of effort, managed to finish the race and obtained the title of medical surgeon.

I wouldn’t change any of this, because it was these disadvantages that gave me strength when I needed it most. the strength to carry on when I was overwhelmed in dental school. The strength to blindly pursue an education when all my efforts led to dead ends.”assured the young man.

This year, José Daniel Vargas graduated as a dental surgeon from Midwestern University. (Photo: Facebook / José Daniel Vargas).

This year, José Daniel Vargas graduated as a dental surgeon from Midwestern University. (Photo: Facebook / José Daniel Vargas).

When he worked as a day laborer, José Daniel Vargas He lived with his parents in a prefabricated house. Mobile from Moultrie, Ga. The couple worked seven days a week to pay for the education of the young man and his sister.

While I was doing my best in school, my parents worked endlessly, 7 days a week, under construction and as a waitress. On weekends, you could find both of them selling nopales at the flea market.”said the young man.

The brand new dental surgeon thanked his parents for their support, who helped him continue his studies.  His older sister also appears in the photo (Photo: Facebook / José Daniel Vargas)

The brand new dental surgeon thanked his parents for their support, who helped him continue his studies. His older sister also appears in the photo (Photo: Facebook / José Daniel Vargas)

The brand new dental surgeon finally gave a message to all young people with low resources, but who have the power to make their way. “Nothing is impossible when you have a hearta grain of hope and a strong family that supports you”, he sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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