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Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez says that the sentence against her was “by order” of Evo Morales

Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez says that the sentence against her was “by order” of Evo Morales

Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez says that the sentence against her was “by order” of Evo Morales

The former interim president of bolivia Jeanine Añez this Sunday pointed to Evo Morales as responsible for the 10-year prison sentence against him for the 2019 crisis after the former ruler revealed that in a meeting with the Government they decided to prosecute her by ordinary means and not go to a trial of responsibilities .

In her accusation, the former interim president alluded to President Luis Arce, Vice President David Choquehuanca, the Ministers of Justice, Iván Lima, and of Government (Interior), Eduardo del Castillo, the Attorney General of the State, Wilfredo Chávez, who was a lawyer for Morales and the president of the Senate, Andrónico Rodríguez.

Look: Jeanine Áñez, from the interim presidency of Bolivia to prison for assuming power in 2019

“The tyrant blames his own government, Arce and Choquehuanca, Lima, del Castillo, his personal attorney Attorney General, his dolphin Andronicus, his judges and prosecutors for convicting me on his orders. He can dictate 100 years in prison and he will continue to be a fugitive and a coward! ”, points to the message published on Áñez’s social networks, managed by her family.

The former interim president referred in this way to the statements of Evo Morales in a program on the radio coca grower Kawsachun Coca in relation to the sentence against him.

“In a meeting called by brother president Lucho Arce, there was David Choquehuanca, the vice president, Iván Lima, the minister of the Presidency (María Nela Prada), the Unity Pact (…) the caucus leaders, senators, deputies , presidents of the Chambers, we almost agree that it should be an ordinary trial and not a trial of responsibilities, “Morales said this Sunday.


Áñez was sentenced on Friday to 10 years in prison for the events of 2019 that occurred between November 10, the day Evo Morales resigned from the Presidency of Bolivia, and November 12, when the then-senator temporarily assumed power. .

The Arce government and the governmental Movement for Socialism (MAS) have insisted that Morales’ resignation was the product of a coup against him, while his detractors maintain that it was the consequence of accusations of electoral fraud in his favor. in the failed general elections of 2019.

Bolivian opponents rejected the sentence against Áñez and criticized the Justice, while Human Rights Watch (HRW) expressed concern about the way in which the processes against the former interim president were carried out.

Government authorities have highlighted that a “historical precedent” was set so that “a coup d’état will not be repeated” and point out that it is the first step to prosecute Áñez for other reasons, including the deaths that occurred during the 2019 crisis.


For Morales, the important thing about the sentence is that “the Justice says that there was a coup d’état” and that “Áñez did not respect the Constitution.”

The former president also revealed that “some said” that “if there is no judgment of responsibilities they will take us to the IACHR”, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Bolivian regulations indicate that former presidents denounced for some irregularity must submit to a trial of responsibilities that must be approved by Parliament.

The official current closest to Morales promoted from the beginning that Áñez be tried by ordinary means, considering that approving a trial of responsibilities would mean recognizing the legality of the transition.

“The IACHR has to respect the legal sovereignty of Bolivia, they are not bossy, they are not bosses, they are not gendarmes to impose. That they defend life and that they respect legal sovereignty,” Morales said.

For this reason, he insisted that the following processes against Áñez must be brought before the ordinary Justice.

Source: Elcomercio

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