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No absolute majority for the Macron camp…

No absolute majority for the Macron camp…

No absolute majority for the Macron camp…
5:05 am: The tenuous hope of obtaining an absolute majority

Add favorable waivers for Gérald Darmanin, Richard Ferrand, elimination Emmanuelle Wargon, LREM instructions “case by case” for RN / Nupes duels. Arriving neck and neck with the left-wing coalition in the first round of the legislative elections, the alliance of La République en Marche, MoDem and Horizons is the favorite to remain the first force in the next Assembly and keeps the hope of obtaining an absolute majority.

According to three institutes, the left-wing Nupes coalition is ahead of the macronists united under the Together! banner by a few tenths of a point. But the small gap reassured the troops of Emmanuel Macron, Sunday evening, who believe they have shown their solidity and stemmed the Mélenchonist dynamic highlighted in recent days by the pollsters.

Cold sweats had won the macronie as a campaign deemed sluggish, without momentum, some wondering about the strategy of postponing the start of the electoral battle as late as possible. The score obtained by the outgoing majority on Sunday testifies to these failures, since it obtains around 1 to 3 points less than Emmanuel Macron in the first round of the presidential election on April 10. Compared to the 2017 legislative elections, the loss is even clearer: 5 to 7 points less.

And if the hope of keeping an absolute majority – 289 seats – next Sunday remains, it becomes tenuous: the projections of the pollsters grant between 260 and 310 deputies to the coalition Together!.

Source: 20minutes

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