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Colombia: Iván Duque and Gustavo Petro meet at the Casa de Nariño

Colombia: Iván Duque and Gustavo Petro meet at the Casa de Nariño

Colombia: Iván Duque and Gustavo Petro meet at the Casa de Nariño

the president of Colombia, Ivan Dukeis meeting at this hour with the president-elect, Gustavo Petro. The meeting began at 6 pm.

”We met #AEstaHora in the Casa de Nariño, with @petrogustavo, a meeting in which we discussed the start of the splicing process that we will carry out in a harmonious, institutional and transparent manner”Duke said on Twitter.

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Gustavo Petro Y France Marquez received this Thursday the credential as president and vice president by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Registry.

This was the moment of arrival Gustavo Petro to the House of Nariño.

Judge Doris Ruth Méndez Cubillos was in charge of delivering the vice president-elect credential to Francia Márquez. For his part, Judge Luis Guillermo Pérez handed over the president-elect credential to Gustavo Petro.

For now, what has transpired is the appointment with President Duque, but it is not ruled out that they will later meet jointly with the Government’s joint team.

It is estimated that Petro’s visit to the Casa de Nariño could take less than an hour. There are no scheduled statements at the end of this meeting.

And with regard to the joint, it is planned that it begin this Friday around 10 in the morning when there is a meeting in the Casa de Nariño between the official delegates appointed by Duque and those appointed by the president-elect.

Source: Elcomercio

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