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“The Cannibal of Atizapán” |  Poor, short and robust women: the profile of their victims

“The Cannibal of Atizapán” | Poor, short and robust women: the profile of their victims

“The Cannibal of Atizapán” |  Poor, short and robust women: the profile of their victims

“Cannibal, total indignation” the documentary series made by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) of Mexico premiered its fourth episode titled “Consequences” on Friday night.

In this issue, the interviewees talk about the profile of the victims of Andres Filemon Mendoza Celisas well as the consequences that the case left on the people involved in this event.

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the man who murdered an as yet undetermined number of women at his home in Lomas de San Miguel, Atizapanhad a fixation for certain types of women whom he selected to be his victims.

According to investigations carried out by the Mexican authorities, the victims of this femicide were chosen in the pubs which Andrés Mendoza attended.

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Characteristics of the victims

The profile of his victims: women of short stature, robust and with a medium-low socioeconomic level.

A tenant of Andrés mentioned that “Mr. Andrés frequented many barsHe came to invite my mother and other people to drink, in the bars was where he got the women, his victims, more than anything because alcohol [inaudible] So I don’t know if he took courage or if he changed his way of being.

But there were also other women killed by this subject, as his neighbor let him know, who pointed out that the two last victims were residents of the area where the killer lived.

“He took advantage of a certain vulnerable group of women, with economic deficiencies, he knew how to choose his victims, vulnerable people, alone, That’s why it wasn’t discovered before.” assured a Julio César Gil, police of Atizapan.

Ruth Olvera Nieto, municipal president of Atizapanpointed out that the factors that affect the issue of femicides is that women “be young and poor […] that is your death sentence, something is going to happen to you”, pointed out the mayor.

Arturo Zaldívar, Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, agreed with Olvera Nieto when pointing out that “those who suffer most are the poorest girls, who have to leave very early on public transport and return at night with the same situation, with fear, with terror”, as he pointed out in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL.

César Mata, a member of the Family Care Unit of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico, indicated that in order to find out the origin of the remains found in the house of the femicide of Atizapán They gathered interviews with relatives of disappeared persons, carried out identity hypotheses and other procedures to be able to give an identity to a corpse that did not have one.

According to the information issued by the Central Prosecutor for Attention to Crimes Related to Gender Violence, Dylcia García, in the home of Lomas de San Miguel, in Atizapán, they have been found approximately 19 victims of Andrés Filemón Mendozaafter carrying out expert reports by the multidisciplinary group in expert matters.

The femicide appears and with it the nightmares

After the case of Andrew Filemon came to light, one of her tenants commented that the nightmares They appeared, because I dreamed of the femicide.

“I imagined that he came to knock on the door or that he was standing in front of me, I don’t want to see him, there are no words”said the tenant of Andrew.

The adjoining neighbor femicide of Atizapánowner of a grocery store, commented that what she experienced after the cases of femicide It was something very dramatic, “it was something that I never imagined living, I never imagined living in a cemetery”.

Alliance between society and authorities

The police officers and authorities of the State of Mexico interviewed in this documentary agreed that in order to avoid cases of femicideviolence and all kinds of offenses against women, it is necessary to denounce, in order to carry out actions that prevent and protect the possible victims of these events.

Audience reaches 16 million

Through social networks, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation He thanked the audience and highlighted that 16 million people have seen the series.

In its message, the SCJN called for total outrage to be the engine to end the culture of violence and discrimination against women, as well as femicides in Mexico.

Impact” is the penultimate chapter of the documentary series, which is broadcast on channels 22, Justicia TV and Las Estrellas, at 11:07 p.m. On Friday, July 1, the project directed by Grau Serra comes to an end with the chapter “Total Indignation”.

Source: Elcomercio

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