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The new clues of the operation in which ‘Iván Márquez’ would have died

The new clues of the operation in which ‘Iván Márquez’ would have died

The new clues of the operation in which ‘Iván Márquez’ would have died

Intelligence agencies from at least four countries, including the United States, confirm whether Luciano Marín, alias Ivan Marquezofficially entered the list of dissidents of the former FARC who lost their lives in Venezuelan territory.

EL TIEMPO revealed that the Colombian government confirmed, since last Friday, if the so-called head of the ‘Second Marquetalia’ lost his life in an attack almost similar to the one also suffered by Hernán Darío Velásquez Saldarriaga, alias el Paisa, in the neighboring country.

Look: Dissident FARC chief considered a terrorist by the US, advocates peace dialogue in Colombia

The latter, once head of the fearsome Téofilo Forero column of the then FARC, was ambushed on December 4, 2021. A commando arrived at the scene and installed a dynamite charge.

According to his own men, the explosives were planted near a camping area in the state of Apure (border with Colombia) and, in the attack, alias ‘Lulito’, the man of ‘el Paisa’, also lost his life. Apparently the charge was buried and exploded as the dissidents passed by, as their bodies were destroyed from the waist down, but their faces were mostly intact.

Alias ​​Romaña was shot down on the Colombian-Venezuelan border. (TIME/)

In the case of ‘Marquez’ Although the first versions indicate that he would also have lost his life in Apure, sources in Caracas are giving another version.


Indeed, EL TIEMPO learned of a report in which authorities from that country claim that the attack against ‘Márquez’, who apparently would not have survived, was in the state of Bolívar, neighboring Apure.

The events would have occurred 25 kilometers from a small town: El Callao, very far from the border with Colombia.

The data is key because the commandos that attacked in Venezuela ‘Jesús Santrich’, alias Romaña and ‘Paisa’ himself, moved along the edge of the border with Colombia, which they used as an escape route. But El Callao is closer to the border with Guyana.

'Jesús Santrich', alias Romaña, 'El Paisa' and 'Gentil Duarte', the dead FARC dissident leaders.

‘Jesús Santrich’, alias Romaña, ‘El Paisa’ and ‘Gentil Duarte’, the dead FARC dissident leaders. (TIME/)

Moving ‘Marquez’

If the information is true, the alleged perpetrators of the attack should have had the approval of the Venezuelan authorities. to reach almost the center of that country and carry out the operation”, explained an official aware of the matter.

However, he did not rule out that local authorities are providing inaccurate information so that ‘Márquez’ (dead or alive) is being moved.

In any case, that same information indicates that ‘Márquez’ was frequently seen in the town Venezuelan city known as Ciudad Bolívar, capital of Bolívar State, southeast of Venezuela. In addition, although he was silent, after losing three of his lieutenants, he began to speak again to activate the possibility of negotiating with the new Colombian government, after the June 19 elections.

He would have coordinated the statement of the ‘Second Marquetalia’ that was known in this sense, after the triumph at the polls of Gustavo Petro.

Iván Duque confirmed that there was intelligence information about the attack on 'Márquez' in Venezuelan territory.

Iván Duque confirmed that there was intelligence information about the attack on ‘Márquez’ in Venezuelan territory. ( Screenshot/)

Iván Duque, outgoing president of Colombia, insisted this Saturday that the head of the ‘Sengunda Marquetalia’ dissidence “he was in Venezuela protected by Nicolás Maduro”.

At this time, information is being verified, we are working intelligently at this time to try to verify that information and as soon as we have corroboration, it will be reported in a timely manner.”, pointed out the president.

Source: Elcomercio

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