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Argentina asks to arrest in Qatar an Iranian accused of attacking a Jewish center

the chancellery Argentina requested this Monday the arrest of the Vice President of Economic Affairs of IranMohsen Rezai, one of the defendants in the attack on the AMIA Jewish center in 1994, and who is visiting Qatar.

The arrest request was presented by the Fiscal Unit that investigates the attack against the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA), which caused 85 deaths and 300 injuries on July 18, 1994. The Foreign Ministry granted the request, a diplomatic source informed AFP.

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Prosecutor Sebastián Basso, head of the UFI-AMIA, submitted a formal presentation to the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which he requested that “The diplomatic and foreign policy mechanisms that they deem appropriate are activated to comply with the judicial arrest warrant for Rezai (in force since 2006), who has a red alert issued by Interpol for his alleged participation in the attack against the AMIA” , according to the writing quoted by the official Télam agency.

The prosecutor attached to the request newspaper notes that referred to Rezai’s visit to qatar.

After confirming Rezai’s presence in Qatar, the Foreign Ministry “requested the collaboration of Interpol for the arrest”while Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero “instructed the Argentine ambassador in Doha, Guillermo Nicolás, to communicate urgently with the Qatari Foreign Ministry and report on the situation,” the source told AFP.

Last January, the Argentine government had already expressed its condemnation of Rezai’s presence at the presidential inauguration of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, as well as condemning his appointment as Vice President of Economic Affairs of Iran in August 2021.

For the government of Alberto Fernández, this appointment constituted “an affront to Argentine justice and to the victims of the brutal terrorist attack against the AMIA committed on July 18, 1994″, according to a statement at the time.

praywho was commander of the Iranian revolutionary guard at the time of the attack, is part of the group of high-ranking officials from that country claimed by the Argentine justice system that accuses them of having participated in the decision-making and planning of the attack on the Jewish center .

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In 1992, the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires had been the target of another attack, with a balance of 29 dead and 200 wounded, also unpunished.

Argentina has the largest Jewish community in Latin America, with some 300,000 members.

Argentina and Iran maintain diplomatic relations at the level of business managers.

Source: Elcomercio

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