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Bolsonaro reduces his gap against Lula, 11 days before the presidential election

The tension is growing. Far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a candidate for re-election, is slightly catching up with his opponent Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in a poll published on Wednesday, eleven days before the second round of the presidential election.

The former left-wing president is credited with 52% of the voting intentions expressed, against 48% for the outgoing head of state, according to this survey by the benchmark institute Datafolha. In a previous survey, published on October 14, Lula was credited with 53% of voting intentions, against 47% for Jair Bolsonaro.

In the home stretch of a campaign waged at loggerheads between disinformation and accusations of cannibalism or pedophilia, the candidates are trying to convince undecided voters and those who say they will vote blank or null on October 30 next.

Failed polls in the 1st round

In the first round, on October 2, the former left-wing president came out on top with 48% of the vote, against 43% for Jair Bolsonaro. The various polling institutes were heavily criticized on this occasion for not having anticipated the high score of the outgoing president, to which they attributed a maximum of 37%.

“The poll does not necessarily constitute a forecast of result, but rather reflects what the voter thinks at the time when he is polled”, underlines Wednesday the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo by publishing the survey.

With a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points, this survey was conducted over the past three days in 181 Brazilian cities among 2,912 people.

Source: 20minutes

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