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Ephemeris of October 22: What happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of October 22: What happened in the world on a day like today

Ephemeris of October 22: What happened in the world on a day like today

On October 22, 1962, the president of USAJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy, announces the blockade of Cuba by the US Navy until the USSR removes the missiles installed on the island.


1859.- Spain declares war on Morocco after an attack on Ceuta.

1865.- Foundation of “La Aurora”, the first Cuban workers’ newspaper.

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1883.- The Metropolitan Opera in New York opens its doors with a representation of “Faust”, by Gounod.

1885.- Arbitration opinion of Pope Leo XIII by which Spain’s sovereignty over the Caroline Islands of the Pacific is recognized against German claims.

1938.- The American Chester Carlson makes the world’s first xerographic copy or “photocopy”.

1946.- Two British destroyers hit mines in Albanian waters, in the Corfu channel. Nearly 40 people die and several are missing.

1957.- Francois Duvalier takes office as president of Haiti. The Duvalier era begins.

1962.- Missile Crisis: the american president John Fitzgerald Kennedygiven the evidence of Russian missiles in Cuba, decrees the blockade of all ships with war material.

1964.- French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre rejects the Nobel Prize for Literature.

1970.- The first Boeing 747 “Jumbo” acquired by Iberia arrives at Barajas airport (Madrid) and baptized with the name of Cervantes.

1975.- soviet space station Soyuz lands on Venus and send a photograph of the planet’s soil.

1989.- Signing of the Taif agreements, ending more than 15 years of civil war in Lebanon.

1999.- 26 children die in Peru after eating a breakfast donated by the Government in an apparent state of decomposition in a school in Taucamarca (Cusco).

2002.- A ferry sinks in the Caspian Sea with 51 people and 960 tons of oil.

2003.- The Supreme Court of Chile rejects for inadmissible a third impeachment request against former dictator Augusto Pinochet.

2004.- The Russian Duma approves the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

2006.- Panamanians approve in a referendum the expansion of their Interoceanic Canal.

2008.- Launch of the Android operating system for smartphones.

2009.- It is reported that Israel and Iran participated in a secret forum on nuclear weapons in September.his first official contact since 1979.

2009.- Microsoft launches its Windows 7 operating system.

2011.- Spanish aid workers kidnapped Enric Gonyalons and Ainhoa ​​Fernandez next to the Saharawi camps of Tindouf in Algeria.

2017.- Argentine Elections: Mauricio Macri announces more reforms after the triumph obtained by the ruling party in the legislative elections.

2019.- They find in the site of Marawah Island, in the Persian Gulf, an 8,000-year-old natural pearl that could be the oldest ever found.

2019.- The emperor Naruhito of Japan ascends the Chrysanthemum Throne.

2021.- american actor Alec Baldwin accidentally kills the cinematographer of the movie he was shooting.


1811.- Franz ListzHungarian composer.

1818.- Charles Leconte de LisleFrench poet.

1913.- Robert CapaHungarian photographer.

1917.- Joan FontaineAmerican actress.

1919.- Doris LessingBritish writer.

1930.- Stela Barnes de Carlottopresident of the Argentine association “Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo”.

1938.- Cesar Luis Menotti, Argentine soccer coach.

1943.- Catherine DeneuveFrench actress.

1950.- Alfonso Martinez de Irujo and Fitz-James StuartDuke of Aliaga.

1964.- Drazen PetrovicYugoslav basketball player.


1883.- Thomas Mayne ReidBritish novelist.

1906.-Paul CezanneFrench painter.

2011.- Sultan bin AbdelazizSaudi Crown Prince.

2015.- Gloria Van Aerssenmember of the musical duo Vainica Doble.

2018.- Gilberto Benettonco-founder of the Italian fashion group.

2019.- Sadako OgataJapanese academic and diplomat.

Source: Elcomercio

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