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Chile: foreign thieves throw thousands of dollars on the highway to avoid persecution

In their attempt to confuse the police officers who were chasing them, six criminals who had just robbed a local slot machine in the district of Pudahuel launched on a highway Santiago de Chile part of the loot they stole.

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According to the story of the victims of the robbery at the slot machine located on Corona Sueca street, six armed criminals entered the premises, took money from the box and opened the machines in the game room with iron.

Bio Bio Chile reports that the criminals completed the theft of about 12 million pesos (about 12 thousand dollars), and then fled in a vehicle. Then, the carabineros started the chase.

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The thieves fled along the Costanera Norte highway and feeling overwhelmed by the police, and with the intention of distracting them, decided to throw a briefcase with bills.

As seen in the images of a security camera, the bills are scattered on the highway and police officers stop to collect them.

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Despite their distraction efforts, the thieves involved in the robbery ended up being captured by the police.

Of the six detainees, four are Peruvian, one Chilean and the last is a 17-year-old minor whose nationality was not revealed.

The money that the police managed to collect only amounts to a little more than 4.2 million pesos. Now it is being investigated if the rest fell outside the persecution route (towards the Mapocho River) or if an accomplice fled with that money in another direction.

Source: Elcomercio

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