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United Kingdom: King Charles III will commission Rishi Sunak to form a Government this Tuesday

United Kingdom: King Charles III will commission Rishi Sunak to form a Government this Tuesday

United Kingdom: King Charles III will commission Rishi Sunak to form a Government this Tuesday

The King Charles III of the United Kingdom will hold an audience on Tuesday with the new leader of the British Conservative Party, Rishi Sunakin which he will be commissioned to form a new government, Downing Street, the prime minister’s official office, reported today.

The still chief executive, Liz Trusswill meet on Tuesday at 9:00 local time (8:00 GMT) with his cabinet, before offering a statement outside the doors of his residence and leaving for the Buckingham Palacewhere he will notify the monarch of his resignation.

LOOK: Who is Rishi Sunak, the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom | PROFILE

After that meeting, It will be Sunak who goes to the residence of Carlos III in London to meet with the head of state.

Already as Prime Minister of United Kingdomthe conservative leader will travel to Downing Street, from where at around 11:35 local time (10:35 GMT) he will give his first speech as head of government.

Sunak42, was appointed this Monday as the new leader of the Conservatives, replacing Trussand will inherit the absolute parliamentary majority that Boris Johnosn achieved for the “Tories” in the 2019 elections.

Once in office, the prime minister is expected to begin making his cabinet members public.

Attention will be especially focused on the Economy portfolio, which has been occupied for just ten days by Jeremy Hunt, the minister who has reversed much of the tax cut that Truss ordered and that caused a financial storm in the markets.

Source: Elcomercio

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