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They find the body of a woman who died 2 years ago: no one had noticed her absence

They find the body of a woman who died 2 years ago: no one had noticed her absence

They find the body of a woman who died 2 years ago: no one had noticed her absence

Authorities of Como, in the north of ItalyThey found the mummified body of a 70-year-old woman inside her house.

The firefighters, who came for a possible emergency due to the rains, found the body of Marinella Beretta, who was still on a chair in the kitchen of her home.

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The woman had not been seen for two years. However, her neighbors had not noticed that she had died inside her home.

The startling find

According to the Italian newspaper ‘Corriere della Sera’, the residents of Marinella Beretta’s house, located near Lake Como, in the north of the country, called the firefighters due to the danger that some trees in the neighborhood’s gardens would collapse due to account of the heavy rains that had occurred in recent days.

Not obtaining a response at Beretta’s house, and to attend to the emergency of the possible fall of trees on the houses, the firefighters requested authorization from the district attorney to enter the woman’s home.

With the authorization of the Como prosecutor, after the first failed controls, the police entered the house and discovered the tragedy”, told ‘Corriere della Sera’.

The cited newspaper mentions that the police and firefighters found the already mummified body of the woman that remained in one of the chairs in the home.Everything in the house was in perfect condition.

Apparently, the woman died at home due to natural causes and would not have been able to get up to ask for help in the neighborhood where she lived.

According to the Italian newspaper, the woman had no family or friends in the area.

Beretta’s neighbors had last seen her in September 2019 and thought she had moved before the covid-19 pandemic, so no one had come to her home to check on her health.

Thus, the woman’s body would have remained in the chair in which it was found for a period of more than two years.

Neighbors confirmed they hadn’t seen her in years, but were convinced she had moved on.; with the pandemic, among other things, all contacts have become difficult. It seems that no one had heard from her since at least the month of September 2019: therefore, her death could date back to that period, ”reported the cited media.

The body of the 70-year-old woman was taken to the hospital to advance the respective legal proceedings.

The debate over the loneliness of older adults

The terrible situation set off alarms in Italy due to the loneliness faced by older adults in the country.

It should be a moment of reflection on an example of loneliness that should really lead us to improve and change certain dynamics.”, said Mario Landriscina, the mayor of Como, the area where the woman was found.

In Italy, almost 40% of people over the age of 75 live alone, according to a 2018 report from the National Institute of Statistics (Istat). That same percentage of people do not have family or friends to turn to in case of need. .

Marinella Beretta, 70-year-old woman found dead in her home after two years. (private file/)

Now we have to be close to her at least when she leaves this land where she has evidently lived alone.

According to the mayor, quoted by ‘Corriere della Sera’, the authorities of the region made an inspection to verify that negligence has not been committed with the older adult.

”It is a painful story that deserves great consideration and reflection. It left me very bitter. We looked at the papers to see if the woman was known to City Hall and if we had been unforgivably negligent. This is not the case, although this does not exempt me from what happened, ”she stated.

The official invited citizens to accompany the woman in her last farewell, that is, at her funeral, to compensate for the loneliness and suffering that Marinella Beretta would have had to go through.

Now we have to be close to her at least when she leaves this land where she has evidently lived alone. It is a tragedy that occurred in a context complicated by the pandemic, from a closed and isolated city. Who knows how much this woman suffered”, he added.

The Mayor’s Office will assume the costs of the burial of the 70-year-old woman.

Source: Elcomercio

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