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Was trans influencer Nikita Dragun incarcerated in a men’s prison?

Was trans influencer Nikita Dragun incarcerated in a men’s prison?

Was trans influencer Nikita Dragun incarcerated in a men’s prison?

The authorities denied that the influential transgender Nikita Dragun, a world reference for the LGBT community with close to 9 million followers on Instagram, was admitted to the men’s section of a correctional center in the city of Miami (USA) after his arrest for public disorder.

Local media collected this Thursday a statement from the Miami-Dade Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (MDCR) in which that complaint is denied and the entity’s commitment to the protection of all people in the LGBT community.

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The clarification of the MDCR comes after the controversy unleashed by the arrest, last Monday, of Nikita Dragun in a hotel, being accused of public disorder after, supposedly, walking around the pool naked and assaulting a policeman.

The incident involving the social media influencer, born in Belgium 26 years ago and resident in the United States, with agents of the miami beach police happened in the Goodtime Hotel.

The MDCR qualified that Nikita Dragun never passed the registration process before being released and that, therefore, it was not led to a unit of men.

The entity clarified that all inmates who submit to an admission process do so in an open space in the presence of prison staff.

In addition, it is clarified that the popular network celebrity was taken alone to a cell due to to her profile, before being released, and that she was escorted by an officer LGBTQ during the time he was in the center.

Nikita Dragunwhose real name is Nicholastestified before judge Mindy Glazer for the facts.

During the hearing, disclosed in a video, she addresses the judge and tells her: “Your Honor, do I have to stay here in the men’s unit yet?”

Glazer tells him that she doesn’t make prison rules and defers the question to corrections officers.

The representative dragonJack Ketsoyan, had assured on the matter to media that “The situation with Nikita, who is legally female, in a men’s unit of a Florida jail is extremely disturbing and dangerous.”

Nikita Dragun gained worldwide fame after documenting his transition from male to female on his YouTube video channel.

The incident has had a great impact because it is, among other things, what is considered the first transgender woman to own a makeup line, a business that began in March 2019 by launching Dragun Beauty, designed especially for people like her. .

Source: Elcomercio

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