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Attack on Poland: What NATO Article 5 says in the face of external aggression

Attack on Poland: What NATO Article 5 says in the face of external aggression

Attack on Poland: What NATO Article 5 says in the face of external aggression

The impact of an allegedly Russian missile in the territory of Poland raised the level of tension in Europe and threatened to escalate the war in Ukraine. The news activated communications between the Western powers and left open the possibility of turning to the fifth article of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Indeed, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that a Russian-made missile hit its territory, killing two people. It happened in the Polish village of Przewodównear the border with Ukraine.

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The event prompted the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will communicate with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda. In turn, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens StoltenbergHe indicated that he is monitoring the situation.

The crater left by the missile in Przewodów, Poland. (Zet Radio).

By the way, Jens Stoltenberg will chair an emergency meeting of alliance ambassadors on Wednesday morning in Brussels to discuss “this tragic incident”, as confirmed by CNN.

LOOK: Russia says it did not carry out attacks near Ukraine-Poland border

In the midst of the conflict, the possibility of Poland resorting to the fifth clause of NATO hovers. Polish government spokesmanPeter Muller, He admitted this Tuesday that he is in analysis if the premises are given to initiate the procedures established in the fifth article of the military treaty.

What does the fifth article of NATO say? “An armed attack against one or more of [los miembros] in Europe or North America it will be considered an attack against all of them,” says the North Atlantic Treaty signed in 1949.

Head of the National Security Office Jacek Siewiera and Polish government Spokesman Piotr Muller make a statement after a crisis meeting of the National Security Office, in Warsaw.  (JANEK SKARZYNSKI - AFP).

Head of the National Security Office Jacek Siewiera and Polish government Spokesman Piotr Muller make a statement after a crisis meeting of the National Security Office, in Warsaw. (JANEK SKARZYNSKI – AFP).

And it adds: “Consequently, they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each one of them, in exercise of the right of or legitimate collective defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties attacked by taking immediately, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such actions as it deems necessary, including the use of forceful weapons, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.”

Article 5 establishes that “any armed attack” of this type must be immediately reported to the Security Council of the organization. It will be, in turn, this body that evaluates and decides the measures to be taken in response.

While evaluating the possibility of citing the fifth article, different media indicate that Poland can also choose to invoke the fourth article. This article, as cited The Washington Post, allows members to submit any issue of concern, especially related to security, for discussion at the North Atlantic Council. The measure would give time to discuss next steps.


Poland has been a member of NATO since 1999.. When offering official information about the facts, the Polish government avoided pointing directly to Russia.

Joe Biden spoke to Andrzej Duda after the incident.  Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was shown with the US president.  (Twitter).

Joe Biden spoke to Andrzej Duda after the incident. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was shown with the US president. (Twitter).

However, the tension is notorious. The Polish spokesman, Piotr Muller, pointed out that Warsaw is “increasing the readiness of some military units and other uniformed services,” after the attack.

In the midst of the situation, the head of NATO, Jesn Stoltenberg, pointed out that the military alliance “monitor the situation and specified that “it is important that all the facts are established.” The official had a conversation with the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, to whom he presented “condolences” for the victims of an “explosion”.

Lukasz Jasina, a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the document, reported that the “Russian-made” missile fell at 3:40 p.m. m “over the village of Przewodów, Hrubieszów district, Lubelskie province, and resulted in the death of two citizens of the Republic of Poland”.

According to Jasina, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, summoned the ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Polish MFA and demanded an immediate and detailed explanation from the government of Vladimir Putin.

NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenbergspoke with the Polish president, Andrzej Duda, writing on Twitter that “NATO is monitoring the situation and is in close contact with our allies. It is important that all the facts come out.”

Source: Elcomercio

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