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Belgium will punish the “conversion therapies” of LGTBI+ people with jail

Belgium will punish the “conversion therapies” of LGTBI+ people with jail

Belgium will punish the “conversion therapies” of LGTBI+ people with jail

The Government of Belgium wants to ban the “conversion therapy” of people LGBTI+ in heterosexuals with a law that will punish these practices with fines of between 100 and 300 euros, and sentences of up to two years in prison.

The council of ministers approved on October 28 a draft law that, once adopted in a vote in the plenary session of the federal Parliament, will be immediately applicable, announced Thursday the Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities.

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The new law will penalize “any practice consisting of or involving physical intervention or the application of psychological pressurein which the perpetrator or victim believes or pretends that it is intended to suppress or change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.reported the RTBF chain.

The norm includes some aggravating factors, such as the fact that the crime is committed by someone with a position of recognized trust, authority or influence over the victim or that the victim is a minor or a person in a situation of vulnerability.

In addition to fines of between 100 and 300 euros and sentences of between 1 month and 2 years in jailthe judges may also prohibit the convicted persons from carrying out a professional or social activity linked to the offenses for five years.

Countries like Canada, Brazil, Malta, Germany, Ecuador, and Argentina already have legislation that prohibits and outlaws collective conversion therapy. LGBTI.

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Source: Elcomercio

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