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US grants an additional 0 million in military aid to Ukraine

US grants an additional $400 million in military aid to Ukraine

US grants an additional 0 million in military aid to Ukraine

USA will send another 400 million dollars worth of ammunition and generators to Ukrainethe White House announced on Wednesday, and will remove the material from its own warehouses in order to dispatch it as quickly as possible, at a time when Russia continues to attack Ukrainian infrastructure just as winter begins.

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If this latest aid package is included, the United States has given more than $19 billion to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country on February 24. The new material will be provided via presidential order, allowing the Pentagon to quickly remove it from its own warehouses and send it to Ukraine.

The new package includes 200 generators, an unspecified number of NASAMS air defense and HIMARS-type artillery shells, 150 heavy machine guns with thermal detectors to shoot down drones, 10,000 120mm mortars and 20 million small arms shells, among other items, the Pentagon announced.

The war in Ukraine, now in its ninth month, has involved the use of thousands of projectiles a day by both sides, from small-arms bullets to truck-sized cruise missiles. As proof of how intense the battles have been, the United States has supplied 104 million small arms rounds to Ukraine.

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“Given Russia’s relentless and brutal missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, new air defense capabilities remain an urgent priority,” the Pentagon noted in a statement.

“Additional NASAMS munitions and heavy machine guns will help Ukraine counter these urgent threats”he added.

Continued aid shipments to Ukraine, however, have raised questions about how long the United States and its allies can continue to help without affecting their own military capabilities. Many European countries have already warned that they have sent all the material they can.

Last week, the Pentagon’s top arms buyer, Bill LaPlante, traveled to Brussels to meet with 45 other nations to assess kyiv’s priorities, including more air defense systems and long-range weapons. They discussed coordinating efforts to maintain supplies by identifying the capabilities of each of their defense industries, as well as the constraints they face in terms of supply chains and production, the Pentagon said in its note.

Source: Elcomercio

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