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Four women tried to murder a 5-year-old boy while sexually abusing him

Four women tried to murder a 5-year-old boy while sexually abusing him

Four women tried to murder a 5-year-old boy while sexually abusing him

authorities of Venezuela They are looking for four women who tried to kill a 5-year-old boy while sexually abusing him, as well as the person who recorded a video showing the act, Attorney General Tareck William Saab reported Wednesday.

The official said, on his Twitter account, that, after the “preliminary investigations”, the Prosecutor’s Office located in an urbanization of the state Lara (west) the place where these people “they tried to suffocate while raping a 5-year-old boy”who -he assured- will be sanctioned with the “maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.”

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In addition, he assured that they will “ruthlessly punish the child’s parents (…) for having abandoned him at the mercy of these criminals,” for which “the respective arrest warrants and red alert to Interpol” will be requested.

He advanced that The Prosecutor’s Office will charge the four women with “frustrated homicide, serious personal injury, sexual abuse of a child, and criminal association.” and the person who recorded the video.

For his part, the director of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), Douglas Rico, reported on his Instagram account that officials of this police force They verified that the house where the abuse occurred “is uninhabited” and belongs to the child’s grandmother.

“It is presumed that those involved are part of a criminal group. Investigations are continuing to find the capture. added.

Between January and October of this year, the Prosecutor’s Office recorded 1,024 cases of pedophilia, reported on November 2, Saab, who indicated that 1,426 aggressors were charged and that, up to that moment, 752 people had been sentenced to between 25 and 30 years for this crime.

Source: Elcomercio

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