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Bukele will surround entire cities with thousands of soldiers and police to capture gang members: what is known about the new plan

Bukele will surround entire cities with thousands of soldiers and police to capture gang members: what is known about the new plan

Bukele will surround entire cities with thousands of soldiers and police to capture gang members: what is known about the new plan

The president of The Savior, Nayib Bukeleannounced this Wednesday that “fences in large cities” of the Central American country will be implemented to “extract the remaining gang members” and continue with the “war against gangs.”

The Savior It has been under an emergency regime since the end of March, which has been in force for 8 months and suspends various constitutional rights, after a wave of murders that claimed the lives of more than 80 people in three days.

LOOK: Bukele says that international organizations “block” work against gangs

Under the measure of the state of exception More than 58,000 gang members and people linked to these gangs have been captured, according to the Salvadoran president.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele speaks to military troops in Ciudad Arce. (EFE/Rodrigo Sura). (Rodrigo Sura /)

However, the president pointed out this Wednesday afternoon that “There are still gang members and we have to go and extract them”therefore also announced the launch of phase five of the Territorial Control Planin which at least 14,000 military personnel are incorporated for the measure.

Phase five is the phase of extracting the criminals that remain in those communities. There are still gang members and we have to go and extract them.” manifested bukele during a public event on the outskirts of San Salvador and in which there was no room for questions from the press.

According to the Salvadoran president, it is about “Encircle large cities and carry out the process of extracting the terrorists who are inside those cities without giving them the chance to escape.”

Said “fences” will begin to be implemented “in the coming days,” he assured.

The government of El Salvador presented 14,000 military personnel as part of the Territorial Control Plan for public security tasks.  (EFE/Rodrigo Sura).

The government of El Salvador presented 14,000 military personnel as part of the Territorial Control Plan for public security tasks. (EFE/Rodrigo Sura). (Rodrigo Sura /)

The president pointed out that “the experience was taken” of the fence implemented at the beginning of last October in the central town of Comasaguawhere more than 2,000 soldiers were deployed, after a homicide was committed in that area.

The salvadoran president launched at the beginning of his term in 2019 the Territorial Control Planto which he attributes the drop in homicides and of which five phases have already supposedly been implemented, to curb the sources of financing for the gangs and retake the areas controlled by these gangs.

However, the population in general is unaware of an official document that details the way to address the gang phenomenon from the State.


bukele He also assured that “people are not afraid of the emergency regime” and that “95% of the population approves.”

The government of El Salvador presented 14,000 military personnel as part of the Territorial Control Plan for public security tasks.  (EFE/Rodrigo Sura).

The government of El Salvador presented 14,000 military personnel as part of the Territorial Control Plan for public security tasks. (EFE/Rodrigo Sura). (Rodrigo Sura /)

“People are not afraid of the emergency regime, as some international media say (…) as some NGOs say. People are not afraid of the emergency regime as some powerful countries say, which rather plunged us into misery and crime “he claimed.

He stressed that “people are happy with the emergency regime, with the war against the gangs and we don’t say that, we can see it on the street” and added that “95% of the population approves of our security work”.

“The largest measure approved in the world is this (exception regime)”, added.

A survey by the University Institute of Public Opinion (Iudop), of the Central American University (UCA), indicates that half of Salvadorans say that the emergency regime “will not solve the problem” of the gangs, but 75.9% approve measure.

Source: Elcomercio

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