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Ukraine: Paris accuses Russia of committing ‘clearly war crimes’

Ukraine: Paris accuses Russia of committing ‘clearly war crimes’

Ukraine: Paris accuses Russia of committing ‘clearly war crimes’

Total condemnation. Russia is “obviously committing war crimes” in Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry again blamed on Thursday, stressing that Wednesday’s massive bombings “did not serve any military purpose.”

“France condemns in the strongest possible terms the massive shelling by Russia on November 23 of Kyiv, Lvov and a number of other Ukrainian cities,” the press secretary of the Quai d’Orsay said in a statement.

“This systematic attack on the population as winter approaches reflects Russia’s clear desire to inflict suffering on the Ukrainian people, deprive them of water, heat and electricity in order to undermine their resilience,” she continued.

“Every war crime” must be held accountable

“The reckless haste and the alleged increase in Russian abuses in no way weaken France’s resolve to support Ukraine and fight impunity. He will remain mobilized to ensure that every violation of international law, every war crime can be held accountable, that their perpetrators are held accountable,” the press release finally says, in line with Emmanuel Macron’s statements the day before. .

The President of the Republic said on Twitter on Wednesday that “any attack on civilian infrastructure is a war crime and cannot go unpunished.”

During the October 10 strikes, Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna herself considered these actions to be comparable to war crimes. The term “war crimes” was also used by the European Union and the UN in October. The United States also condemned this Monday “systemic war crimes” by Russia.

Source: Le Parisien

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