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France: deputies debate inscribing the right to abortion in the Constitution

France: deputies debate inscribing the right to abortion in the Constitution

France: deputies debate inscribing the right to abortion in the Constitution

The deputies must rule this Thursday on whether to inscribe the right to abortion in the Constitution in Francean initiative launched after the United States Supreme Court annulled it nationwide in June.

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“No one can predict the future, but introducing the right to contraception and abortion into our Constitution is to remove the fear that invades us when women’s rights are attacked elsewhere,” assured the rapporteur of the proposal, the leftist deputy Mathilde Panot.

His opposition party La Francia Insumisa (LFI) was in charge of defining the agenda for the plenary session of the National Assembly this Thursday and, in addition to abortion, proposed a series of issues such as the abolition of the bullfight.

In order to debate and even vote on both, since the session will end at midnight, the radical left party decided to withdraw the first two on a commission of inquiry and on a rise in the minimum wage.

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“The government is in favor of registering the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy”assured the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, for whom “no democracy, even the greatest of all, is safe” from a setback.

But the minister warned that, with the current wording, the proposal has little chance of prospering in the Senate – which rejected a similar text in October – and called to focus on abortion, thus withdrawing contraceptives.

LFI wanted to inscribe in the Constitution the text: “No one can violate the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy and contraception. The law guarantees free and effective access to these rights to any person who requests it”.

The desire to register this right is shared by a majority of deputies, among them those of the party of the centrist president, Emmanuel Macron. Despite the fact that they presented their own proposal, they plan to support that of the left.

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During the debate, the ruling party and the left reached a consensus and changed the formulation. “The law guarantees the effectiveness and equal access to the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy”reads the amended proposal.

Deputies from Los Republicanos (right), who control the SenateFor their part, they consider that the right to abortion is not threatened in France. Some legislators from the far-right National Association (RN) are anti-abortion.

Irrespective of the outcome of the vote, the LFI party calls on the government to present its own bill, since, unlike parliamentary initiative proposals, a final referendum is not needed to amend the Constitution.

In March, the French Parliament extended the right to abortion from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Source: Elcomercio

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