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Brazil: alleged perpetrator of shootings at two schools arrested

Brazil: alleged perpetrator of shootings at two schools arrested

Brazil: alleged perpetrator of shootings at two schools arrested

The Police of Brazil arrested the alleged perpetrator of the shootings committed this Friday in two schools in the city of Aracruz, in which at least three people died and eleven others were injured.

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The arrest was announced by the governor of the state of Espírito Santo, Renato Casagrande, who did not disclose the identity of the detainee.

“Our security teams caught up with the author of the attack who, cowardly, attacked two schools in Aracruz in the morning. I decreed official mourning for three days as a sign of regret for the irreparable losses. We will continue to investigate the motivations and, shortly, we will have new clarifications”Casagrande said on Twitter.

The separate attacks on the two schools, located in the same neighborhood of the city of Aracruz, in the interior of the state of Espírito Santo, occurred this Friday, during school hours.

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The Secretary of Public Security of Espírito Santo, Márcio Celante, told reporters that the deceased are two teachers and a student.

Another eleven people have suffered injuries of varying severity and have been transferred to hospitals in Aracruz and Vitoria, the regional capital.

According to Celante, the young man broke the padlock on the door of the first school and, during a break between classes, went to the teachers’ room, where he opened fire with an automatic pistol, killing two teachers and wounding nine others.

In the second school, he shot at three students, causing one death and two injuries.

Source: Elcomercio

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