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Maduro asks the US to lift “all” sanctions after Chevron’s license to operate in Venezuela

Maduro asks the US to lift “all” sanctions after Chevron’s license to operate in Venezuela

Maduro asks the US to lift “all” sanctions after Chevron’s license to operate in Venezuela

The president of VenezuelaNicolás Maduro, celebrated this Wednesday as a step in the “right direction” the authorization of the United States to the energy giant Chevron to operate in the Caribbean country, although he said that “it is not enough”, asking for the complete lifting of Washington’s sanctions.

The US government licenses are “certainly going in the right direction, although they are not sufficient for what it demands Venezuelawhich is the complete lifting of all unilateral coercive measures on the oil industry,” Maduro said at a press conference.

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Chevron was authorized on Saturday to resume its activities in the four joint ventures it has with Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)although the Treasury Department clarified that the state company should not receive income from the sales of the US company.

The announcement came after the government of Ripe and the opposition signed an agreement to manage the release of 3,000 million dollars of Venezuela blocked abroad by sanctions, in order to allocate them to social projects.

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“The idea of ​​taking Venezuela of the economic circuit of the world was a bad idea, an extremist idea of ​​Donald Trump, and they are paying for it because Venezuela It is part of the global energy equation.” Maduro said. “It hurts whoever it hurts, we have to be there, we are a great oil power and we are going to be a gas power.”

Although formally he maintains the line of the Trump administration of ignoring Ripe Due to questions about his re-election in 2018, the Joe Biden government has established contacts with the socialist president in the midst of the energy crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Biden sent a delegation to Caracas in March, days after the start of the war on February 24, recalled the head of state.

Ripewho asserted that Venezuela It has been the target of 763 sanctions and that it has frozen at least 24,000 million dollars in foreign accounts, he said he hoped that the release of resources for the agreement signed with the opposition would be immediate.

“We hope that this is immediate, and already, now, in December, the more than 3,000 million dollars are released,” Indian. “We hope that compliance with this agreement is not delayed or delayed for any reason.”

“Sanction Free Elections”

There are still no agreements regarding the next presidential elections, scheduled for 2024, with the demand for adequate conditions as the main demand of the opposition at the negotiating table.

The United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada celebrated in a joint statement on Saturday the formal resumption of the dialogue and called for “good will to reach a comprehensive agreement that leads to the holding of free and fair elections in 2024.” They also expressed “willingness” to review sanctions “in case of substantial progress.”

“We want elections free of sanctions,” Maduro responded this Wednesday.

“Free elections do you want? Fair and transparent? Elections free of sanctions, free of unilateral coercive measures, take them all away, take them all away to go to fresh, beautiful elections,” added the Venezuelan president.

The United States and fifty countries recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the “interim president” of Venezuela in 2019, after the main opposition political parties denounced a “fraud” in the presidential elections of the previous year.

Citgo without “dust and straw”

Maduro asked this Wednesday that the United States return control of Citgo, a PDVSA subsidiary in that country, to his government, granted to Guaidó in 2019.

“Citgo is owned by Venezuela and it is one of the vital elements to continue advancing in the negotiations that Citgo is returned to Venezuela completely, free of dust and straw,” said the heir to the late former president Hugo Chávez (1999-2013).

Maduro declared that this must include the “dividends” that the company has given since it was handed over to the Guaidó structure, which he estimates reached 4,000 million dollars.

Source: Elcomercio

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