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Ukraine’s top heart surgeon has lashed out at Vladimir Putin after power outages forced doctors to perform heart surgery on children with relapses.

Professor Borys Todurov sarcastically urged the Russians to “rejoice” in the chaos they have caused by the bombing of Kiev’s power supply, which has caused blackouts so severe they are visible from space.

In a video by Dr. Todurov – who works as a heart surgeon at the Kiev Heart Center – medics were shrouded in darkness during life-saving surgery on a young child.

Doctors were performing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery when the lights went out due to a missile strike on the country’s energy infrastructure.

“The electricity is gone. The surgeons are operating with their headlamps on,” Dr Todurov said while filming the doctors’ work.

“Try to get it done as soon as possible,” he told his team. “We’re going to start the generator now.”

“This is how we do cardiac surgery today.”

Illia Yemets, another surgeon at the hospital, later confirmed that the baby had survived, ABC reports.

Surgeons at the Kiev heart center rush to perform heart bypass surgery on a child after the lights went out due to Russian shelling (Photo: East2West)

Surgeons at Kiev heart center rush to perform heart bypass surgery on child as lights go out after Russian shelling

A colleague described the situation as the worst surgical condition they have ever encountered in their lives (Photo: East2West)

Doctor Yemets described the conditions as “the worst I’ve seen in my surgical life” but said they had no choice but to operate if they wanted to save the child’s life.

Elsewhere in the video, Todurov delivered a strong message to the Russian people, on behalf of whom Putin is destroying vital infrastructure in Ukraine.

“We are now going to start the generator, but unfortunately that will take a few minutes,” he said.

“Here we are now.

So rejoice Russians, there was a child on the operating table when the lights went all out.

‘Well done. Very human people.’

Russian missile strikes have caused “colossal” damage to Ukraine’s power grid in attacks that have been condemned as “genocide” for their impact on civilians.

Satellite images from NASA show that most of Ukraine was shrouded in darkness in November compared to neighboring countries in Europe.

Officials across the border in nearby Moldova have also reported that more than half of the country is without power following the Russian attacks — the first time a neighboring state has reported such extensive damage from Ukraine’s war.

Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska wrote, “Terrible pain. We will never forget and we will never forgive.”

In an extraordinary statement, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “There have been no attacks on ‘social’ targets, and there are none – special attention is being paid to that.”

Earlier this week, all 30 NATO countries adopted a resolution recognizing Russia as a “terrorist state”.

“The resolution identifies Russia as the most immediate threat to Euro-Atlantic security,” said Tomas Valasek, head of the Slovak delegation to NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly.

“It clearly states that the state of Russia is a terrorist state under the current regime.”
