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Protests in Iran: first execution of man involved in riots

This is the first execution related to protests in Iran. On Thursday morning, the country executed a man accused of injuring a paramilitary member after he blocked traffic on an avenue in Tehran during riots, the official Irna news agency reported. Mohsen Shekari, the rioter who blocked Sattar Khan Boulevard on September 25 and stabbed Bassij in the left shoulder, was executed on Thursday morning in Tehran, the agency said.

Only eleven people risk the same fate for participating in the riots. The judicial body clarifies that Mohsen Shekari was found guilty of fighting and drawing “a weapon with the intent to kill, cause terror and disrupt the order and safety of society.” “He deliberately stabbed a Basij in the line of duty and blocked Sattar Khan Street in Tehran,” the agency added.

“Iranian authorities executed a protester sentenced to death in a sham trial without any legal process,” Mahmoud Amiri-Moghaddam, head of the Oslo-based NGO Human Rights in Iran, tweeted. His execution “must spark an international outcry or we’ll be facing daily death sentences for demonstrators,” he warned.

Since mid-September, the country has been rocked by a wave of anti-regime demonstrations and the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old student. According to activists and her family, the girl died after being beaten, but the authorities attribute her death to health problems, which her parents deny.

Authorities condemning the unrest regularly accuse the US and its Western allies, as well as foreign-based Kurdish groups, of being the instigators of this unprecedented protest movement.

Source: Le Parisien

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