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Thousands of Haitians marched to implore divine help in the face of the crisis

Thousands of faithful Catholics marched this Thursday through the streets of several cities in Haitiincluding Port-au-Prince, in the traditional veneration of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in a context marked by an acute humanitarian crisis aggravated by the insecurity that plagues the country.

“Liberation”, chanted these faithful, among whom many of the women wore t-shirts stamped with the effigy of the Virgin, recalling that the children of Mary never lose the battle.

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The march lasted for several hours in a capital struggling to stay afloat in a country without guarantees.

With blue and red flags along the route were banners calling for the establishment of peace.

“We want to live in peace, without kidnappings,” read one of the banners. Many of those who worshiped did so in blue attire.

During the procession, music and chants alluding to the Virgin Mary were heard.

“Jesus, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing,” the Catholics were also heard crying out, while several people thanked the Virgin Mary for having heard their prayers.

Prayers and songs qualified the route of this traditional march carried out in a context of precarious security.

The feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated every December 8 in various cities in Haiti by faithful Catholics. During the last four years, the march has referred to the crisis that is devastating the country, with demands on the banners and political comments.

Haiti is facing a serious economic, social and humanitarian crisis, aggravated by the actions of armed gangs that dominate large tracts of territory in Port-au-Prince and some other areas of the country at will.

Source: Elcomercio

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